

Feu sauvage : symptômes et remède maison

Cold sore: symptoms and home remedy

Cold sores: distinguishing the real from the fake! Cold sores are a common but very unpleasant condition. To help you better understand this disease, we take stock of the myths and truths surrounding it… Cold sores, what are we talking about? Cold sores, also called "herpes" or "cold sores", are a viral illness caused by the herpex simplex virus, type 1 or 2. Herpes located on the face is caused by type 1. This virus enters the body through a lesion or mucous membrane, then can remain silent for months or even years. When the virus wakes up, symptoms appear....

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L’homéopathie pour diminuer les douleurs musculaires

Homeopathy to reduce muscle pain

Homeopathy offers an alternative approach to treating muscle and joint pain and other bodily aches with natural substances. While doctors prescribe over-the-counter and stronger medications for joint pain, there are alternative homeopathic treatments. If you are looking for homeopathy for muscle and joint pain, you have come to the right place! List of homeopathic remedies that can reduce your muscle pain If you are experiencing pain, it is crucial to know which homeopathic remedies for muscle and joint pain can help you deal with it: Arnica Bryonia Calcarea Carbonica Pulsatilla Ledum Rhus tox Aconitum napellus Belladonna Calcarea phosphorica Apis mellifica...

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Homéopathie pour la poussée de dents de bébé

Homeopathy for baby teething

Teething: Ouch! Baby is getting his first teeth? Ah, the famous teething! This stage that babies encounter from a very young age, generally synonymous with tears, pain and hellish nights. And what could be more unpleasant than seeing your little one suffer, without understanding why! You are probably wondering how to relieve toothache . To help him get through this difficult period, Homeocan supports you with health advice and tips quite naturally. Understanding what teething is, recognizing the first signs and knowing the natural actions to adopt as quickly as possible, here is what you will learn in this health...

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Comment améliorer naturellement le sommeil de votre enfant ?

How to naturally improve your child's sleep?

Some children have difficulty falling asleep or poor quality sleep, interspersed with unexpected awakenings. If they are too frequent, these bad nights can have a negative impact on the child's daily life. Fortunately, the products Homeocan can help your children to feel better and get back to sleep. Learn more about sleep disorders, their consequences and natural ways to make them disappear… Sleep disorders in children Each of us, adults and children alike, has what we call a circadian cycle, that is to say a 24-hour cycle which regulates our moments of wakefulness and our moments of sleep. However, this cycle can...

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