Over the past forty years, aromatherapy has grown considerably. To familiarize yourself with this science, @MademoiselleCricri offers you a short explanatory article including its 6 absolutely essential essential oils.
Thanks to them, you will be able to treat all the little everyday ailments this winter. A real treasure for your medicine cabinet! Plus, I share some of my favorite recipes with you.
The benefits of Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is the medical use of aromatic plant extracts (essences and essential oils). It is therefore a branch of plant medicine, which specialists call Phytotherapy . This discipline is as old as time, plants and their aromas having always been essential to human health.
But immense progress was made in the 20th century. Aromatherapy heals quickly and well. Numerous studies attest to their effectiveness. It is also a simple and accessible method on a daily basis.
Pleasant, they can be breathed in, diffused (it smells good) or applied to the skin. One of the main benefits of essential oils is that they not only heal , they also strengthen the natural defenses of the skin, digestive, nervous and even respiratory systems.
In winter, I find them particularly interesting, because they are one of the only ways to sanitize a bedroom or the family living room to prevent us from “passing” germs on ourselves indefinitely. At home, I mainly use them in the evening to help our nervous systems relax before going to sleep or during periods of infections (colds, coughs, bronchitis, etc.).
I discovered the Essencia range several months ago and it is one of my favorites. All oils are all produced in Quebec and available on the Homeocan website.
6 essential oils for winter
Lavender Pure Essential Oil by Essencia
It is the royal essential oil in aromatherapy. Great versatility of action, it is used for EVERYTHING. I mainly use it for diffusion and skin application (when mixed with a vegetable oil).
– Stress, anxiety and sleep disorders
– Burn, insect bite, eczema
– Cramps
– Lice repellent
Pure Essential Oil of Balsam Fir by Essencia
It is a SUPER atmospheric antiseptic. In addition, it has the ability to stimulate our body's immune defenses. It is therefore an essential oil of choice in winter.
– Clean the air
– Respiratory infection
Radiated Eucalyptus Pure Essential Oil by Essencia
It is an antibacterial essential oil. It works wonderfully during epidemic periods in winter, especially if you have a congested nose and/or bronchi. It is expectorant, antifungal and antiviral.
– Wet cough
- Common cold
– Sinusitis
- Bronchitis
– Otitis
Pure Essential Oil of Tea Tree by Essencia
Native to Australia, the Melaleuca genus has 150 species of trees and shrubs, including the tea tree, niaouli and cajeput among the best known. Used by Aboriginal people for millennia, Tea Tree Essential Oil is the best-known universal antiseptic before the advent of antibiotics. It is a major anti-infective, antifungal and broad-spectrum antibacterial.
– Mouth ulcers, gingivitis, abscesses
– Candidiasis, mycosis
– Sinusitis, bronchitis
– Acne
Sweet Orange Essential Oil by Essencia
Natural atmospheric antiseptic, its pleasant orange smell is just fabulous. In addition to being very pleasant when diffused to purify your home, it calms the nervous system and promotes sleep.
– Stress and anxiety
– Healthy and relaxing atmosphere.
Geranium Pure Essential Oil by Essencia
It is the cosmetic essential oil par excellence. It is useful in all skin care treatments because it is astringent, antiseptic, healing, illuminating and stimulating. It balances the secretion of sebum, a fatty substance emitted by the sebaceous glands which preserves the elasticity of the epidermis.
– Poor circulation
– Rheumatism, nail fungus
– Acne, wounds, burns, eczema, rosacea.
Recipes to treat little winter ailments!
Diffusing Blends – Diffusing is truly one of the safest (and effective) ways to use essential oils. I'm sharing with you some recipes that I really like to use for broadcasting.
Preventing and curing ENT diseases (for distribution)
– 20 drops of HE Sweet Orange
– 10 drops of Geranium HE
– 10 drops of Radiated Eucalyptus EO
– 10 drops of Ravintsara HE (optional)
Peaceful sleep (for broadcast)
– 20 drops of Sweet Orange HE
– 10 drops of Lavender HE
– 10 drops of Ravintsara HE (optional)
ENT Massage Balm (for local application)
Coughs, bronchitis, colds, sinusitis, otitis, here is a recipe that can be used by the whole family. This balm has truly become one of our essentials. I am happy to share it with you today in video:
Offer well-being in a gift box with Essencia
His favorite:
My favorite: a Pure Essential Oil of lavender, a Lavender and Rosemary room mist , a Lavender Massage Oil and a Chamomile Floral Water . Enough to spend a peaceful 2018!
Are you thinking of offering any of these products?
Photo Credit: © Christine Lacaze
Article written in collaboration with Christine Lacaze, creator and author of the online magazine Mademoiselle Cricri . However, the opinions expressed are his own and 100% sincere