May 31st is World No Tobacco Day , an opportunity for us to take stock of simple but effective tips to help you quit smoking, naturally. So if you want to say goodbye to cigarettes, adopt these good habits now!
Why quit smoking?
There are many reasons to quit smoking, and they are unique to each of us. However, here are a few reminders that might help boost your motivation:
First point
You already know this, but tobacco has a very negative impact on your health: heart problems, shortness of breath, asthma, sleep disorders, cancer… Knowing these effects is probably the best reason to quit smoking. But that's not all… Tobacco is responsible for a dull complexion, skin in poor condition and breath that is really not always very fresh… Not very attractive then!
Second point
Do a little math: how much do you spend each month on cigarette packs? Now think about all the other things you could do with that money… Restaurants, romantic weekends, shopping trips… Sounds tempting, right?
Third point
Did you know that smoking regularly drastically diminishes your sense of smell and taste? So if you want to enjoy that delicious chocolate cake or the smell of the bouquet on the table, it might be time to quit smoking!
Our advice for quitting smoking
The good news is that if you decide to quit smoking, most of the problems associated with smoking will gradually disappear! But, as we know, it's not easy to say goodbye to cigarettes... So to help you quit this bad habit, here are some natural and effective tips.
Choose the right time
Let's not lie to ourselves, if you decide to quit smoking when you have just suffered a romantic disappointment, you are in the middle of a stressful period at work and you are just starting a diet, your chances of success are rather low... On the other hand, if you make the decision to quit smoking consciously, you are really motivated and you are in a happy and simple period of your life, your good resolution will be much easier to keep!
Don't stay idle
When you're trying to quit smoking, there's nothing worse than inactivity! In fact, if you're bored, you're likely to become obsessed with that cigarette you're missing. Whereas if you try to keep yourself busy all day, the lack of tobacco will be much less noticeable. Take a walk, go to the movies, read, cook a meal... In short, be active so you don't think about smoking.
Bet on natural aids
If you stop smoking, you may quickly notice some rather unpleasant side effects, such as a very changeable mood, constant agitation, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, loss or gain of appetite or even headaches... To quickly make these very common symptoms disappear, Homeocan has created Nixotinex , a natural homeopathic mixture composed of capsules and drops.
The capsules have been carefully designed to support the withdrawal step by step according to the symptoms felt throughout your anti-smoking project. Each of the 30 homeopathic doses has a specific action : creates a disgust for tobacco, encourages tobacco withdrawal, promotes the rapid elimination of nicotine and acts on the nervous system to soothe anxiety. Look at these steps that bring together your daily homeopathic journey to quit smoking:
The drops will purify and eliminate the toxins generated and accumulated by cigarettes. By using this homeopathic duo daily for 6 days, you will see your symptoms related to quitting smoking naturally diminish.
Get moving to quit smoking!
Exercising is often a great help when trying to quit smoking. Indeed, sport helps you feel good in your body and mind, particularly thanks to the endorphins produced by your body during exercise. And, another positive point, when you take care of your body with physical activity, you often don't want to ruin everything by lighting up a cigarette!
To combat the hypersensitivity and stress that can appear if you decide to quit smoking, think about adopting good 100% zen habits. For example, opt for a hot bath of about twenty minutes at the end of the day. You can even add Pure Lavender Essential Oil . Think about accompanying it with Emulcia , so that the oil dilutes correctly in the water and gives you an even more relaxing effect.
Also try herbal teas and infusions of plants known for their anti-stress properties, such as chamomile, passionflower or lemon balm.
With these good habits and the natural help of Nixotinex , you will be able to stop smoking more easily and get your body back in great shape!