In the depths of winter, natural sunlight can decrease by 60%, which significantly reduces our vitamin D intake. In the summer, because we wear lighter, less covering clothing, our skin absorbs a large amount of vitamin D simply through exposure to daylight. It is estimated that exposure to sunlight can provide 80% to 90% of the vitamin D required. However, in winter, this is not the case. Fortunately, homeopathy strengthens your immune system and is effective when you are lacking energy.
According to a Canadian government study, more than a third of the population is deficient in vitamin D (data updated in 2015).
Why is vitamin D so important for us Canadians?
Vitamin D plays an important role. It is a nutrient that helps our body absorb calcium and phosphorus. Thus, it forms and maintains strong bones and teeth. Its special feature is that it can be synthesized by the body following exposure to ultraviolet B rays from the sun.
However, in winter, between the two equinoxes (from September 22 to March 20), at our latitude, there are very few UVB rays. This is why we, in Canada, need even more vitamin D than the rest of the world.
Vitamin D deficiency, what are the consequences?
It is not always easy to detect the effects of vitamin D deficiency.
In children , this can result in pain, irritability and delayed growth which could result in the child developing rickets.
In adults , symptoms may include difficulty thinking, unexplained fatigue, muscle weakness, and frequent bone fractures.
What tips are there for maintaining this vitamin D in our body?
Although not enough, our diet can help to fill the vitamin D gap. Foods such as oily fish, milk, fortified cereals and yogurt, egg yolks and orange juice will provide us with maximum amounts of the "sunshine" vitamin.
2-The light therapy treatment
To overcome the lack of sunlight, light therapy can be a real solution. A treatment that can prove effective. Thanks to daily exposure to artificial light imitating that of the sun, the light therapy lamp, also called a "sun lamp", can provide us with the artificial light we need.
Inexpensive, it takes, on average, five to six sessions before our vitamin D gauge rises. And you, have you ever tried it? Tell us!
3-Vitamin supplements
According to health professionals, taking vitamins containing vitamin D as a supplement would be the simplest and quickest way to meet our needs.
Ask a healthcare professional such as your family doctor or pharmacist about which products would be best for you.
Sources: Health Canada, Passeport Santé.net and Radio Canada.ca
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