Synonymous with renewal, spring opens up to new possibilities. For many, it also comes with its share of inconveniences. Many people welcome the arrival of spring with fears of runny noses, sneezing, red eyes and ticklish throats. Pollens are impossible to completely avoid, but by taking the right steps, you can certainly limit the effects of the symptoms they cause.
Why does pollen make us sneeze?
Male seed of plants, the Pollen is released by trees, flowers and different grasses. Allergies are more present in warmer seasons, due to rising temperatures which allow plants to produce pollen. Microscopic, pollen grains are not always visible to the naked eye, although some are noticed by their yellowish color in spring.
These tiny particles are released into the air, where they can be carried by wind to different locations. A foreign substance to the human body, pollen comes into contact with our mucous membranes, for example our nasal passages, where it can trigger an excessive response from the immune system. This is commonly called an allergy or hay fever, the scientific name of which is seasonal rhinitis.
The three seasons of allergies
People who are allergic are often not allergic to all pollens. For the less lucky, allergic reactions can however extend from March to October. Here are the pollens most present depending on the time of year :
- March to June: pollen from trees and shrubs
- May to October: pollen from grasses, such as turf and hay
- July to October: ragweed pollen
Usually mild, seasonal allergies can still cause fatigue, irritability and difficulty concentrating. Then it is time to act.
How to relieve hay fever naturally?
Pollens are present in the air and on different surfaces. While it's not possible to completely eliminate pollen sources from your life, natural solutions can help prepare you to weather all three allergy seasons.
Allergy Tablets Plus Code Red
Effective in the event of a crisis, Allergy Plus tablets from the Code Red range help relieve the most common symptoms of allergies such as sneezing, nasal congestion, throat irritation and watery eyes.
Hay Fever Complex Granules
THE Hay fever complex also helps relieve the various symptoms of seasonal allergies. Its tube and granule format is very practical to take with you everywhere, whether to the office or on vacation.
Sinus + Code Red
Sinus Pus tablets specifically target sinus disorders. Since seasonal allergies very often affect the nasal mucous membranes, sinusitis is always a possible complication. The natural ingredients that make up these tablets relieve feelings of congestion and tingling in the nose.
Homeocan Pollen Plus
Pollen Plus is a perfect preventative treatment to prepare for allergy season. Without antihistamines, it can help boost the immune system. You can take it without fear of falling asleep at work, as it does not have a drowsy effect.
Total allergies Children 0-9
For young children, the Total Allergies Children 0-9 solution is ideal for relieving allergic symptoms. Easy to ingest given its liquid format, it contains no coloring or sugar.
What habits should you adopt to limit contact with pollen?
To prevent seasonal allergies, implement a series of measures aimed at reduce contact with pollen . Here are 5 tips that will help you limit your exposure to these allergens.
Avoid going outside between 7 a.m. and 1 p.m. This is the time of day when the pollen concentration is highest. Also check the pollen weather forecast before going out.
Keep your windows closed . Instead, use an air conditioning system that recycles ambient air or a pollen filter. If you take the car, do not drive with the windows down.
Clean, clean, clean ! Vacuuming, dusting and washing surfaces reduce the amount of pollen in your home. If you go out, change your clothes and take a shower as soon as you arrive home.
Dry your clothes indoors , although it's tempting to hang them outside as soon as the sun comes out. Outside, pollen gets on your clothes and you drag it everywhere with you.
- Avoid mowing the lawn or raking up dead leaves. These activities cause pollen dispersal.
Allergens are a part of life, but a few simple measures are enough to mitigate their effects. If you are not relieved by natural products, consult a healthcare professional. There are other treatments that your doctor or pharmacist may recommend.
Thanks to all these natural solutions, you will be able to enjoy spring, and too bad for allergies!
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