What is homeopathy? How did it come about? What are its principles? What are its side effects?
Although more than 70% of Canadians have already used natural products and 38% of them consume them regularly , several myths still circulate about homeopathy, a gentle medicine used throughout the world. However, this complementary medicine can be very effective, both for prevention and for the relief of various symptoms.
Marie-Lise Pelletier , homeopath and speaker, demystifies for us what homeopathy is.
Where does homeopathy come from?
Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician and chemist, founded homeopathy in the 18th century . Dissatisfied with conventional medical practices, he explored the idea that the body had the ability to heal itself and formulated the law of similars. Hahnemann experimented with various substances by testing them on himself and others, and recorded the effects of their use. He also developed dilution techniques to minimize the toxicity of these substances.
In 1799, he successfully used a homeopathic remedy to prevent and treat an epidemic of scarlet fever in Germany, thus cementing his reputation. Homeopathy gained popularity throughout Europe and North America during the 19th and early 20th centuries . However, the rise of modern medicine reduced its importance, particularly due to the discovery of antibiotics. A renewed interest in homeopathy has been felt in recent decades, however.
What are the principles of homeopathy?
“Homeopathy is based on three major fundamental principles , ” explains Marie-Lise Pelletier.
The principle of similarity
According to the principle of similarity, the treatment of a disease is done "by administering to the patient extremely diluted doses of one or more substances which, at a higher dose, would have caused in this patient the same symptoms as those of the disease " . The word "homeopathy" is also composed of two Greek words, "homois", which means similar and "pathos", which means disease .
The principle of individualization
In addition to the symptoms of his or her patient, the homeopath develops his or her treatment based on many parameters, such as the preferences of the person being treated and his or her lifestyle. The homeopath's approach is therefore multidimensional, because he or she takes into account the physical, mental, emotional, family and cultural aspects of his or her patients. This is the principle of individualization.
"Since we consider the person as a whole, the same problem can be treated with different homeopathic remedies that meet the specific needs of the patient , " explains Marie-Lise Pelletier.
The principle of infinitesimal dilution
The principle of infinitesimal dilution refers to the method used to produce a homeopathic medicine from an active substance.
Have you ever wondered what the letters "CH " on homeopathic remedy packages mean? "These letters are short for 'centesimal hahnemannian.' To obtain 1 CH, a strain is diluted in 99 times its volume of liquid or powder , " explains Marie-Lise Pelletier. By repeating the operation, we obtain a dilution of 2 CH, and so on.
Dilution is essential because it ensures the safety of the product, the diluted substance losing all toxicity.
Is homeopathy effective?
“Yes, homeopathy works , ” Marie-Lise Pelletier replies without hesitation.
Since its invention, homeopathy has occupied a special place in the world of health, its action being difficult to explain and prove by scientific studies. Some of them reveal its effectiveness, while others refute it. Complementary to modern medicine, homeopathy does not replace it, but just like it, its products are regulated by Health Canada .
As our homeopath explains, "homeopathy is not a substitute for medicine or conventional medications. Medical follow-up with your doctor is important, but homeopathy can be taken as a complement without any worries."
What health conditions does homeopathy help relieve?
You can use homeopathy " to help relieve the symptoms of minor, occasional ailments (colds, teething, muscle pain, minor injuries, etc.) as well as those of chronic illnesses (asthma, anxiety, arthritis, etc.) ", confirms Marie-Lise Pelletier .
Homeopathy is also known to boost the immune system and alleviate symptoms of allergies, stress and anxiety. Homeopathy can also prevent and relieve digestive disorders and skin problems. In short, each symptom has its own homeopathic treatment.
Who can use homeopathy?
Children , adults (including pregnant women), the elderly and even animals can take homeopathic medicines. In the form of liquid solution, granules or tablets, they are suitable for everyone. Be sure to read the label on your remedies to check if they meet your needs.
Are there any side effects caused by homeopathy?
Since these are natural health products sold directly to the consumer, without a prescription or supervision from a health professional, Health Canada ensures that homeopathic remedies on the market are safe.
“In general, homeopathic treatments do not cause any known side effects and have no chemical toxicity ,” reassures Marie-Lise Pelletier. In addition, there are usually no contraindications or interactions with other medications. “The only risk is taking the wrong medication and getting no benefit! ” summarizes Marie-Lise Pelletier.
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